This summer I was honored to participate in one of Laguna Beach's well-known trio of art festivals, the 53rd Annual Laguna Art-a-Fair Fine Art Festival. The long-running show (from June 28th through September 1) that draws local as well as international visitors was my very first foray into fine art exhibition.

It was exciting, a little overwhelming and a lot of fun, all in one. It was not only about exhibiting my artwork, but also about being an active member of a lively artist community. From work shifts to mentoring and volunteering where needed, each exhibitor does their part to contribute to the success of the show.
Although I've been a graphic designer for many years and had dabbled in acrylic painting and pastel sketching as a hobby, exhibiting in a fine art show wasn't something I had envisioned. Until I saw Art-a-Fair's 'Open Call for Artists' posting on Facebook. I asked myself, 'what have I got to lose?' I entered three art pieces in the Digital category for their 2019 jury. And was very pleasantly surprised when I was chosen as an exhibitor.
From that point on it was a mad dash to get myself prepared for my first art show. And this first show was a lesson in what to do and what NOT to do. From lighting to wall color to pieces to display to types of was all a learning experience that I took step by step
right up to the chaotic but wonderful experience of Preview Night.
I definitely got by with a little help from my friends, family and fellow artists. Many came to visit my gallery wall and I was pleased and proud to stand in front of months of prepared works, to explain my technique and much encouraged by the praise and positive feedback from summer visitors. I sold a few works (yay!) and made new friends among fellow artists and art aficionados alike. It didn't take much to convince myself to participate in next year's show.
So here's to 2020 and another summer in Laguna Beach. While I hope this is a springboard for many other art shows and festivals to come, I also hope to make a home within this fine art community for many years to come.