We Southern Californians had quite a dramatic first week of September with the start of three major brush fires; the Line Fire, the Airport Fire, and the one closest to home that basically detonated into an uncontrollable inferno, the Bridge Fire. These conflagrations were mainly due to a stubborn heat wave that plagued us that full week. There was a moment of unease as evacuation zones inched closer to my foothill neighborhood. Add to the mix a 5.1 earthquake and my 4th solo showcase, Tales of Apocalypto, seems apropos.
Amidst all the Watch Duty app notifications, I received the email notification that my show is a GO. Tales of Apocalypto will show in the Ranii Gallery at the Fullerton Museum Center from October 4 through November 16. The opening and reception will coincide with Fullerton's First Friday Art Walk, so come visit charming downtown Fullerton for its art walk and for the opening of Tales of Apocalypto. This SHOW will BLOW you away.
I love 'fabulous firsts', as I call them, and this solo show falls within them. This is the first solo that I did not solicit nor submit an application through an open call. The curators of the gallery approached me with the invitation. Solo shows are a desired credential in any artist's repertoire and I thank God for any opportunity where my art can shine its own light.
Other fabulous firsts: According to the president of the La Habra Art Association, in their 75-year history, I was the first female artist and the first digital artist to have a solo show in their gallery. Yes, I 'm aware there were no digital artists around in their early years of operation, but there were certainly female artists and a first is a first.
My Outmoded Time Machine was the first digital art piece to win a Best Painting award from the Desert Regional Tourism Agency's annual call for art. I may paint with pixels, but a painting is a painting, whether by pixel or brush. Read further for another fabulous first.
Within 24 hours of publication Bravery Beyond Borders: The Journey of the Assyrian People became the Top New Release in the Early Childhood Education category on Amazon, starting its incredible journey into the hearts of young readers.

This is my fifth collaboration as illustrator with author, Jaklen Alkyan, and this was an important project in partnership with the Seyfo Center that wanted a story crafted especially for young readers. Not being of the culture or familiar with the history of Seyfo, the Assyrian genocide of 1915, this was an educational journey for me as well, ensuring the illustrations added a gentle backdrop to a beautifully written story. The book has picked up steam and will soon be translated into several languages.

According to the Seyfo Center, this is the first ever children's book to be written about Seyfo, another fabulous first! The organization was very pleased with how the story was told and illustrated. But who are the real critics? As it's been said: a picture paints a thousand words.

Until next time.
For His glory